This breathtaking sculpture in Qatar’s Brouq Nature Reserve spans over a kilometre and comprises four steel plates, each over fourteen meters in height. Serra studies the landscape and adjusted the plates so the tops are aligned to the same height regardless of the level of the ground. The result beautifully enhances the vast, desolate space in a spectacular and contemporary manner. “East-West/West-East” was one of Serra last commissions.
Serra's public art has always been driven by a desire to take sculpture off the pedestal and on to the street. To him, the content of the work derives from interaction with the viewer, meaning he always has visitors in mind. He acknowledges that he can't predetermine what people will make of it.
“This is the most fulfilling thing I’ve ever done. It’s a piece that I’d really like to be seen.
Video produced for Qatar Museum’s Public Art Program, published in 2022.
Video hosted on YouTube and published on Qatar Museum's website. Additionally, a large set of still photographs were produced, including extras for website, archival, and communication purposes.
Head of production: Paco Link
Senior producer: Erin Flemming
Production coordinator: Aimen Jen
Production: The Film House